Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Neural Network Primer :: Neural Network Primer Essays

A Neural Network PrimerThis paper gives the basics of the subject of nervous networks. It is recommended for those new to the subject of neural networks and unless assumes that the reader has a knowledge of basic algebra. Please feel free to distribute this paper as you longing but please distribute the entire paper without deletions and limit your corrections and additions to the space below the bottom line after the last paragraph of the passkey text. If you wish for your correction or modification to be changed in the body of the original text, please send your recommendation to one of my computer addresses above. A component part is a mysterious smuggled box with inputs and an output. ----------X --- Function --- ZY---- ----------The above function has 2 inputs, X and Y, and one output, Z. Mysterious black boxes that claim in inputs and produce an output are called functions. Sometimes we dont know what goes on inside the function to produce the output from the inputs so thats why we call them black boxes. X Y Z-----------0 0 00 1 11 0 11 1 1The above table maps out a possible function. It is called the Or function. Note that Z is zero when X and Y are twain zero and Z is one whenever X or Y is a one. Mapping out a function in a table as is shown above is cognise as creating a truth-table. X Y Z-----------0 0 00 1 01 0 01 1 1The function mapped out in the truth-table above is known as the And function. Note that Z equals 1 only when X and Y both equal 1. Note that the numerical values we have used so far for X, Y, and Z have been limited to only 0 and 1. When you only use two values like this you are using a binary or boolean number system. Binary and boolean basically guess two values.

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